Saturday, November 15, 2014

Don't Rock the Boat!

Hello everyone!

Today was an "at sea" day, so there were no ports of call on our agenda. We woke very early and decided to go up to the top deck with a cappuccino (tea for me) and watch the sun rise.  How beautiful it was!  This is the view from our balcony. 

We ate a hearty breakfast and after breakfast, I asked David to do a Pilates class with me. He did very well, but I'm not sure he'll ever do one again.  It was very nice of him to try, though!

Unfortunately, after pilates we hit several hours of extremely rough water.  The boat was pitching side to side, and we both felt nauseous, dizzy and disoriented. We were trying to do our laundry and ironing during this time, and had to keep walking back and forth down the long, narrow swaying aisle ways to change loads. It was torture!  Remember that hearty breakfast?  Well, let's just say it won't be adding any inches to poor Davids waistline! I was very close to tossing my cookies as well.  The rough weather kept us in the cabin until dinner time. 

By 6 pm, the worst of the weather had passed. We were scheduled this evening to dine in what they refer to as one of the "specialty restaurants."  There are two of these restaurants on the ship. One Japanese, and the other Italian. Each guest can dine once in each of the specialty restaurants per voyage. It is s nice change of pace from the main dining room. This evening, we sampled the Italian one, called Prego.  We had a wonderful dinner there despite the fact that we both still felt pretty awful. 

It was also formal night. We dressed nicely for it, as you can see from these pictures.

After dinner we thought the best thing for us would be sleep, so we came back from dinner and just crashed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

BTW, here is a picture specifically for Terry that we forgot to post earlier.

Love to all of you,
David and Karen


  1. The poster is a-door-able! Thank you for thinking of me :) Terry

  2. Speaking of Don't rock the boat, I just saw there was a 6.7 off N. NZ! Yikes��

  3. The earthquake was fairly close to where we were yesterday. Glad we missed it!
