Saturday, December 8, 2012

SAN DIEGO - October 15th - Octobrer 20th, 2012

Hi All!

Welcome to our blog!  We are going to try to use this vehicle to keep you all updated on what is happening in our lives.  Will it work?  We don't know.  Let's get started......

We are just back from a week in San Diego with Karen's sister Laura, her husband Terry, and our Uncle Chuck.  Laura and Terry flew down from Nevada City, CA and Uncle Chuck flew in from Philadelphia to be with us for the week.  We hope - we think - a good time was had by all. 

Ok, so a little background.  Why San Diego?  Well, a year or so ago we bought a sailboat.  A Jenneau 49 Deck Salon.  It is a beauty!

We chose a slip in San Diego both because the boat was already there, and because slips are quite hard to come by in a lot of places.  San Diego is also convenient to Phoenix.  There were actually quite a few marinas to choose from in the San Diego area.  We settled on the one at the Sheraton Harbor Island.  It is small, secluded, has a great view, and a wonderful spa.  It also gives a discount on the rooms and other amenities at the Sheraton itself.  The Sheraton Harbor Island is a beautiful place on its own; the marina is icing on the cake.  There was a waiting list to get in, but only a few months, not the years and decades that marinas had in other areas.

 This is the view we wake up to each morning from our slip at the marina.  From here, it's just a matter of steps to our favorite place to start the day  - Starbucks!  Yes indeed, there is one located inside the hotel - another great selling point.

We couldn't have asked for better weather for our week.  It was sunny and clear each day with a nice breeze.  Just to highlight a few of our activities, we visited the immense aircraft carrier Midway

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