Saturday, December 8, 2012

More on Lima...

Hello all,

Just back from dinner, and we have a bit of time to complete today's journal before bed. We'll be up very early tomorrow morning as we're catching a 9 am flight to our next destination, Cusco.

When we left the Plaza Mayor, we happened to catch a glimpse of a very familiar logo. Green and white with a mermaid on it. Starbucks!!!!! If you know us at all, you can imagine how welcome this was. In fact, we spotted not one, but two stores in very close proximity.

After a busy day of sightseeing, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at a small local restaurant close to the hotel.  It was a bit unnerving that our waiter was standing nearby watching us eat every bite, but perhaps that is the way it's done here.  We started off with an interesting and very yummy shrimp appetizer. It was unusual in that it contained a mix of Peruvian purple and yellow potatoes, onions, garlic and mushrooms mixed in with the shrimp. Then we moved on to a main course of beef tenderloin sautéed with a rich gravy and served with potatoes stacked like a set of Lincoln logs. The flavor of the potatoes was marvelous, very much like French pommes frites.  Along with dinner we enjoyed a glass of the Peruvian national drink, Pisco sour. It is somewhat hard to perfectly capture the flavor, but it is somewhat like a Limoncello crossed with a whiskey sour and a hint of a margarita, topped with foamed angostura bitters. Muy delicioso! Here is David enjoying it! 

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